Tuesday 2 September 2008

Cryoservice And Medical Research Council Put Safety First In Definitive Publication On Liquid Nitrogen, UK

�Two starring UK organisations have coupled forces to develop and launch a ground-breaking new publication which is set to provide a benchmark for safety and operational practices associated with liquid nitrogen.

Worcester-based CryoService, the leading UK provider of cryogenic gases and petrol storage solutions, and the Medical Research Council (MRC), a world-renowned human health research organization, have developed the 44-page publication, entitled "Standards for Liquid Nitrogen Supply".

Liquid n is wide used global for its cryogenic properties which grant the safe long-term storage of biological samples. Storing items such as blood, tissues, stem cells and viruses in liquid n helps assure their long-run viability, supporting not only medical research but procedures such as IVF and blood transfusion.

In general, liquid nitrogen is a safe product; however, the very nature of its utmost cold properties - it is stored in liquid form at -196oC - and the fact that it expands dramatically upon evaporation, and so commode displace melody, poses unique safety challenges.

With their extensive joint experience in liquid atomic number 7 supply and use of, CryoService and the MRC decided to develop a definitive safety and custom guide that could non only be applied across the MRC as best practice, but could also provide helpful guidance to general users to optimise their manipulation and handling of liquid nitrogen.

The document references all key industry codes of practice and includes clearly explained guidelines on:

� Hazards and risks associated with using liquid n

� Risk assessment, including modelling calculations for oxygen depletion

� Storage tanks and equipment

� Best practice for new cryogenic installations

� Development of safe systems of puzzle out

� Emergency procedures and low aid

The document will be priceless to both experienced and new users of limpid nitrogen, and those designing or planning a new cryostorage facility.

Noor Ali, Sales & Marketing Manager for CryoService, commented: "While standards for use and safe handling of liquid nitrogen are generally senior high, this publication for the first clock time brings together every facial expression of charles Herbert Best practice in this region and testament ensure that users get the most from their investment in this product.

"It will also help oneself reassure those new to working with liquid atomic number 7 about the benefits it can impart and the relatively round-eyed safety procedures required for safe handling."

Paul Jackett, Regional Coordinator, Health, Safety and Security, at the
Medical Research Council, added: "We are delighted to collaborate with CryoService, a grocery store leader in liquid atomic number 7 supply, on this publication, which shows the shed light on commitment among both organisations to c. H. Best practice in liquid atomic number 7 supply and usage."

"Standards for Liquid Nitrogen Supply" is available for purchase at hypertext transfer protocol://www.cryoservice.co.uk for simply �29.95 plus postage and packing.

About CryoService

CryoService is matchless of the leading providers of cryogenic gases and gas store systems in the UK. Established in 1970, CryoService provides cryogenic gases to leading scientific, medical and research users across the UK and has extended experience in life-critical applications.

About the Medical Research Council

The Medical Research Council supports the best scientific research to improve human health. Its work ranges from molecular level skill to world health music and has led to pioneering discoveries in our understanding of the human body and the diseases which move us all.


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